Donor Organization: Denmark Government
Exeuctive & Partner Organization:
- Executive: MEMRE, Energy Division through SPREP
- Partners: SPCSOLGRIP/PACRICS PMO, Solomon Islands Health Dept and UNDP PGSP PMO/ Honiara office
The specific objective of the SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ is low carbon development for Pacific SIDS through the deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of energy efficiency (EE). To realize this objective, the PIGGAREP+ Project is designed to comprise of two components:
- Renewable Energy Technology Applications; and
- Energy Efficiency Technology Applications.
- Seghe, Afio, Taro, Atoifi, Sasamungga, Marau, yandina, Taro, Babanakira and Lata
Time Frame: 2014- June 2015
Total Cost/Budget: USD $485,000
Status: Ongoing
Sector: Energy
Expected Outputs/Outcomes:
- Installation of 10 Solar PV power units for rural telecommunication systems at the PF net stations to provide reliable medium for communication in the rural community.
- Application of renewable energy efficiency.
Contact Person(s):
- Gabriel Aimaea (Deputy Director Energy), Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, (677) 21522 ext. 224
National Climate Change Policy: N/A
Amount of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A
Percentage of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A