The Programme Management and Coordination Unit (PMCU) was established within the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) in 2015.
The Objective of the PMCU is to ensure that Projects and Programmes within the MECDM (both SIG and Donor funded) are implemented in an effective and efficient manner.
The PMCU achieves this by working with Project and Programme implementation officers within the MECDM and with other relevant stakeholders.
In doing so, the PMCU ensures that the implementation of these Projects and Programmes will contribute to the achievement of their intended outcomes.
The MECDM continues to receive funding support from the Solomon Islands Government (SIG), the country’s Development Partners and international funding agencies.
These fundings will help the Ministry to implement its Projects and Programmes as well as priortise areas for project intervention within the following sub-sectors:
Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Waste Management
Environmental Management
Biodiversity Conservation
Meteorological Services including Early Warning Systems.
The PMCU will continue to work with the technical divisions within MECDM and with relevant development partners in project planning and design as well as in project implementation.
The following are links to websites of important international funding mechanisms and institutions that can provide funding support to help the MECDM implement relevant sectoral priorities at the country and community level:
Funding Mechanism Links
The Global Environmental Facility
More Information
SIG Funded Projects
Donor Funded Projects