Donor Organization: GEF
Exeuctive & Partner Organization:
- MECDM and relevent government Ministries and Agencies
- Partners: All in-country Climate Change Stakeholders
Baseline for climate change adaptation work in Solomon Islands. Develops a countrywide program that encompasses immediate and urgent adaptation activities that address current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events. Provides a framework to guide coordination through a participatory approach and building synergies with other relevant environmental and related programs, and develop a specific priority program of action for adaptation to climate change.
Aim: To reduce country's vulnerability to climate change.
Location: Solomon Islands
Time Frame: 2 years (2007-2008)
Total Cost/Budget: USD$200,000.00
Status: Implementation
Sector: Governance and Planning
Expected Outputs/Outcomes:
- Development of the National Climate Change Policy.
Contact Person(s):
- Douglas Yee (Director), Climate Change Division (MECDM), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National Climate Change Policy: N/A
Amount of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A
Percentage of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A