Auki Market recently received a total of 20 wheelie bins which was supported by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) towards the Auki Market green waste composting program that was conducted in partnership with the APSD Rural Training Centre in Malaita Province.   

Toshiaki Sakamoto, JOCV based in Auki stated that their team in Auki acknowledge the support by the Solomon Islands Government through the MECDM which will assist them in cleaning up the Auki Market as well as to enhance the waste separation implemented at Auki Market.

Another two provincial centers namely; Honiara and Gizo will also be receiving similar grants in support of their waste minimization programs which will work towards address the waste management issues in the country.

Source: ECD communication.

SBS - Tens of millions of litres of water has escaped from a toxic gold mine tailings dam in the Solomon Islands declared a 'disaster zone' by the government last year.

Heavy rain last week pushed the already critically full Gold Ridge dam to overflow uncontrollably for the first time in more than 20 years.

SOLOMON ISLANDS BROADCASTING CORPORATION - The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services is in Lata, Temotu Province conducting Metrological Observer training.

SOLOMON STAR NEWS - Fighting mass invasion of pests in our country is everybody’s business, Permanent Secretary (PS) for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Jimi Saelea says.


Call for Public Review-Environment(Amendment) Act 1998

The Environment and Conservation Division is currently reviewing the Environment (Amendment) Act 1998 .The division is now inviting submissions on the proposed amendments to the Environment Act 1998 as part of this public consultation. Comments on the draft amended legislation should be directed to the responsible officers within the department, using the email addresses , telephone and fax numbers provided as follows;  Rosemary Apa and Debra Kereseka-Potakana, Environment Unit, Environment and Conservation Division, Emails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (Tel) +677 26036 and (fax) +677 28054.

You can access and view the document in the link provided as follows; files/docs/users/wbeti/160228_AmendmentstoEnvironmentAct_draft2.2(1).pdf

This call for public review submissions is open as of Friday 9th February 2018 and will close on Friday 30th March 2018.

Source: Environment & Conservation Division Communications